How Disney Kept Christ in Christmas

I admit I’ve been a bit down on Disney lately. As a follower of Christ, I’ve had to steer away from most Disney movies and shows in the last few years because they all seem to have spells, wizards, witches [...]

2017-10-10T10:08:12-05:00 December 31st, 2014|Behind the Story, Coping with Bullies, Encouragement|0 Comments

Links and Info

“Ella Mae the Courageous Cheerleader” is now available for purchase.  Ella Mae Books Facebook Page (Please share your story with us of how the story of “Ella Mae the Courageous Cheerleader” has impacted your life.) Ella Mae Books Twitter Page Email [...]

2017-10-10T10:08:13-05:00 September 10th, 2012|Behind the Story|0 Comments

Note to Parents

“Ella Mae the Courageous Cheerleader” is more than just a true story. It also includes a kid-friendly Bible Study to bring out children’s feelings and perspectives about bullying. If your child is having trouble with a peer relationship in his [...]

2012-09-10T19:16:34-05:00 September 10th, 2012|Behind the Story|0 Comments

Who is Ella Mae?

Ella Mae is a hedgehog. Yes, a cute little hedgehog, Why a hedgehog you ask? Well, for one, God loves hedgehogs. They are very special creatures with many unique qualities. They are smart, fast, and have an amazing sense of [...]

2012-09-10T19:14:48-05:00 September 10th, 2012|Behind the Story|0 Comments